Information in English

recycling station

Akureyri has ambitious environmental plans and is actively working on its goal towards climate neutrality. Akureyri has proven it's leading role in environmental protection and sustainability through a number of environmental actions and innovations. More information about Green Akureyri.

Opening hours for the recycling yard at Réttarhvammur

Summer opening (May 16 to August 15)
Mondays to Fridays at 13:00 - 20:00
Saturdays and Sundays at 13:00 - 17:00

Winter opening (August 16 to May 15)
Mondays to Fridays at 13:00 - 18:00
Saturdays and Sundays at 13:00 - 17:00

Recycling guide. Here you can find information on how to recycle in Akureyri. 

Recycling labels in Icelandic, English and Polish

Instructions about organic household waste - Green basket & brown bin in english and polish.


Distances are relatively short in Akureyri and it is easy to get around by foot or bicycle. The local bus is free of charge and we strongly encourage you to take advantage of this great service. There are a couple of charging stations for e-cars around the city. By the Town Hall (Geislagata 9), by the Cultural Center Hof and by the shopping center Glerártorg.