(answers here) Friday quiz 2024 no. 16 - International Kitchen 2024 and five differences
(answers here) Dear food-loving and quiz-solving patrons and well-wishers! Welcome to yet another Friday and here comes quiz no. 16 this year! Since the event "International Kitchen 2024" was such a success yesterday (about 750 visitors came and tasted food from 18 countries), the quiz is dedicated to that!
26.04.2024 - 10:38 AlmenntÞorsteinn Gunnar JónssonLestrar 240
Dear patrons and foodlovers! Even though the library itself will be closed on First Day of Summer, a feast will be held this day (25th of April, First Day of Summer) in the form of International Kitchen, with food from 18 countries!!
23.04.2024 - 14:23 AlmenntÞorsteinn Gunnar JónssonLestrar 241
(answer) Friday quiz 2024 no. 15 - Six differences on three employees!
(answer) Dear quizloving and other patrons! We are proud of our employees and that's why our Friday quiz no. 15 this year has Aija, Siggi and Þura in it! And there's a bonus today: you are supposed to find six differences!
19.04.2024 - 11:49 AlmenntÞorsteinn Gunnar JónssonLestrar 252
Dear lego-loving and other patrons! On the occasion of the children's cultural festival in Akureyri, there was a Lego Day at the Municipal Library of Akureyri on April 6th.
11.04.2024 - 19:43 AlmenntÞorsteinn Gunnar JónssonLestrar 251
Do you have books in foreign languages that you want to gie a second life to? Bring them to the exchange market for foreign books at the Municipal Library of Akureyri April 11th to 13th. // Masz książki w językach obcych, którym chcesz dać drugie życie? Przynieś je na giełdę książek zagranicznych w Amtsbókasafnið w dniach 11–13 kwietnia.
09.04.2024 - 13:28 AlmenntÞorsteinn Gunnar JónssonLestrar 253
(answer is here) Friday quiz 2024 no. 13 - Computers and five differences!
(answer is here) Dear and beloved patrons! It's Friday now and it is not good ... it's fantastic! Because we moved the two computers from the cafeteria we decided to have the Friday quiz dedicated to that!
05.04.2024 - 12:27 AlmenntÞorsteinn Gunnar JónssonLestrar 254
Dear movieloving patrons! The last place in town to borrow DVDs is the Municipal Library and one recent brilliance that has been added to our collection is the Oscar-winning movie Oppenheimer!
04.04.2024 - 09:00 AlmenntÞorsteinn Gunnar JónssonLestrar 329