Friday quiz 2023 no. 17 - Half year questions! (answers!)

(Answers below) We have a Friday, we then say ... yippie yay, no sunshine-ray, is the colour grey in every way? Say say say ... what you want ... Quiz no. 17 has questions from previous quizzes!!!

What ... ? Hvad for noget? Ég meina, since the first half of the year is over at midnight, it is appropriate to remember old quizzes, between quizzes 1-16, and see how much you can remember!

Woo hoo!

We wish you a great weekend!


1. When was the Municipal Library founded?
2. What are the opening hours during weekdays?
3. Name four months of the old Nordic calendar.
4. What drink did the Icelandic band use to wash down sharkmeat, ram-balls and smoked bellyflesh of sheep?
5. Who's the author of the Icelandic book Stýfðar fjaðrir?
6. What have the women Virginia Cherrill, Barbara Hutton, Betsy Drake, Dyan Cannon og Barbara Harris all in common?
7. What is the nationality of Jenny Colgan?
8. What nonsense title is this (Icelandic) and who's the author? : nsakkni í tþate nsni
9. Who offers Alfie Atkins buns and buscuits when he visits?
10. Who's Alfie Atkins' secret friend?


Answers will come after the weekend, my dear friend, not the world's end, answers to send, wounds to mend and no one to offend.


1. 1827
2. 8:15-19:00 (self-service until 10:00)
3. Mörsugur, Þorri, Góa, Einmánuður, Harpa, Skerpla, Sólmánuður, Heyannir, Tvímánuður, Haustmánuður, Gormánuður, Ýlir
4. Skimmed milk (icel. léttmjólk)
5. Guðrún from Lundur (Guðrún frá Lundi)
6. All of them were ex-wives of the late and great actor, Cary Grant.
7. She's Scottish (from Scotland)
8. Kannski í þetta sinn ("Maybe this time" by Jill Mansell)
9. His grandmother
10. Malcolm (in Icelandic it's Mangi)

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