Answers to the HP43-Friday quiz

Dear Potter-loving patrons! Thank you all so much for coming yesterday. About 800 people showed up and the day was a great success. Here are the answers to the Friday quiz!


1.What platform is used for the train to get to Hogwarts?

2. What animal can Harry Potter talk to?

3. What are the names of Ron's parents?

4. What are the names of James Potter's friends?

5. What insect is Ron terrified of?

6. What kind of a creature is Fluffy?

7. What's Harry Potter's middle name?

8. What happened on 31st of October, 1981?

9. What's the core of Draco Malfoy's wand?

10. What's Voldemort's mother's name?


1. 9 ¾

2. Snakes

3. Arthur and Molly Weasley

4. Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew

5. A spider

6. Three-headed dog

7. James

8. Harry Potter's parents died

9. Unicorn hair

10. Merope

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