
Beeswax wrap paper workshop

Beeswax wrap paper workshop

This interactive workshop will teach participants how to make beeswax wrapping paper for sandwiches and bread. It will emphasize the importance of sustainable alternatives to single-use plastic wraps. Before the practical part of production, I will give a brief introduction on what bees wax paper is, how it’s made and show some examples. The bees wax will be purchased from the local beekeeper living in South-East of Iceland - Ålander Hunang. The workshop is meant for 10-18 year old and pre-registration via email: gundega.skela@gmail.com with title Beeswax, your name, surname and age is necessary!

The event takes place in Week 17, the international week of the Sustainable Deveolpment Goals in libraries. During the week the library will offer various events related to the SDGs.