Kóresk ævintýri og rafbókasmiðja

Dagana 20. og 21. júní verður Suður-Kóreski hópurinn Bobusang með viðburði á Amtsbókasafninu. Um er að ræða tvær smiðjur, annars vegar frá kl. 10-12 fimmtudaginn 20. júní, og hins vegar frá kl. 16-18 sama dag. Föstudaginn 21. júní verður hópurinn svo með viðburð á Orðakaffi kl. 16.


Hello! We are Group Bobusang for South Korea :)

Recently, there is a growing interest in Korean culture through a group called BTS.
So through this time, we wanted to have a good exchange with Korea in Iceland, so we prepared for this project.
We are selected as the <2019 KF National Public Diplomacy Project> by KF(Korea Foundation for International Relations) under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(supported by Korean Gov’t).

I heard that Icelanders love stories. So we will introduce Korean traditional fairy tales to Icelandic youths and will create interactive E-books. and There is also an exhibition program where you can experience Korean culture. Not only young people, but also families, friends, and anyone else can participate in this program.

Iceland is currently on vacation, but our group is doing its best to prepare for the participants. If you want to participate, please refer to the poster and fill out the Google application form.


We like Iceland and we want to have a good relationship through this project.
Thank you.

If you have any questions about our team and project, please contact us at 2019bobusang@gmail.com


Fyrir nánari upplýsingar og skráningu, vinsamlegast hafið samband við hópinn, 2019bobusang@gmail.com

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