
Ós Pressan með smiðju í þýðingum

Ós Pressan með smiðju í þýðingum
Ós Pressan verður með smiðju í þýðingum á Amtsbókasafninu miðvikudaginn 16. september kl. 16:30-18:00.
"This workshop will explore creative and collaborative approaches to translation. Participants will work together in pairs or small groups on short, interesting translation exercises intended to show how translation is a fun and accessible craft that is very much its own type of creative writing. Although the workshop will mostly be conducted in English and utilize Icelandic texts, no specific language skills are required and speakers of any language are welcomed to take part. This workshop welcomes teens and adults who interested in writing and translating—but no previous experience in either is necessary! Light food and refreshments will be served.
The Ós multilingual writing workshop series is funded by a grant from Menningarsjóð Akureyrar (The City of Akureyri's Culture Fund).
Ós Pressan is a non-profit, international collective based in Iceland that aims to support and promote emerging authors, create an inclusive writing community, and challenge the reality of the publishing industry in Iceland. Since it was founded in 2015, Ós Pressan has published four issues of its multilingual journal, hosted multiple workshops, book groups, writing groups, and readings, and offered writers on the margins of Icelandic society and its literary community the opportunity to be heard, practice their craft, and be part of an inclusive, welcoming community.
  • Larissa Kyzer is a writer and translator based in Brooklyn, New York (US). She was Princeton University's fall 2019 Translator in Residence, is a member of the American Literary Translators Association, and is co-chair of PEN America's Translation Committee. Her translation of Kristín Eiríksdóttir's A Fist or a Heart was awarded the American Scandinavian Foundation's 2019 translation prize.
  • Lara Wilhelmine Hoffmann is a PhD student at the Unversity of Akureyri and works in the research project „Inclusive Societies? The Integration of Immigrants in Iceland". Her work concentrates around the cultural participation of immigrants in Iceland, focusing especially on languages and the arts. Lara holds an MA in Art Studies from the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands."
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